The MIC Paya Besar Division Community Service Center is committed in helping families and the community through a variety of programs and services. The Center will be operational every Sundays.

Time: 10.00 am till 12.30 pm
Venue: MIC Paya Besar Office, Taman Tas.

For more information, kindly contact:
Mr.Matandor (Division chairman) - 019 916 4092
Mr.Rangasamy (Division Secretary) - 013 923 1535
Thursday, April 15, 2010

PostHeaderIcon Putera MIC WP’s “Pilot for a Day”

PuteraMIC WP has embarked on Career Awareness Program to promote various fields of education and career to students especially those who have completed SPM and STPM.

Many students and parents are with an impression that the most demanding and secured career are “doctor, pharmacist, lawyer, teacher and accountant”. While this inevitably true, there are other careers that also equally demanding and rewarding. As such, Putera MIC WP has embarked on a campaign cum program to bring awareness to the students especially the SPM & STPM students and parents on prospect of other career and associated education besides the generic and famous “doctor, pharmacist, lawyer, teacher and accountant”. This program will include seminar and real-time experience to various career options.

The first career option in Career Awareness Program cum Campaign is Pilot. “Pilot for a Day” is seminar cum real-time experience as a pilot. Selected students will be seated in the cockpit of a plane and fly in the air for about 20minutes. Putera MIC WP’s “Pilot for a Day” will be on a first come first serve basis and limited to 25 students with only 18 places are available to experience the real-time cockpit and flying on air.

For further information please check Face Book at “Pilot for a Day” or call Captain Babu @ 012 – 8113827 or Pridif @ 012 - 9269996.


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MIC Paya besar division is conducting a survey for Program subsidi beras rakyat(subur) and voter registration data. The survey team will help to complete the application form for those in need or eligible for the program and for the voters, we will compile the list of voters and their problems regards to voting. For those who needs or know others that needs our assistance on above matters can contact us.